Dr. Snark

Trials and Tribulations of Veterinary Practice Ownership

Saturday, February 03, 2007

That's Why

As a continuation of the previous post with regards to limited hours, I had two opportunities these past few days that cemented my decision to continue with the hours I'm currently offering and not adding more.

First, a colleague of a dear friend passed away of a heart attack at the age of 51, at his desk, at work, last week. No known health or heart issues. Healthy guy. I will continue to spend time with my family, and take long vacations, because I still can. Too many people put travel and other fun things off until retirement. But what if, by luck of the draw, your time is up before then? You never get the chance. My motto: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. And while that does apply to work and chores around the house, mostly it applies to relaxation, spending quality time with my family, and never forgetting to say, "I love you."

Second, I had the opportunity to visit a local family physician's office this week. The posted hours on the door? Monday and Tuesday 9-5, Wednesday closed, Thursday 11-5, and Friday 9-5. Closed Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the time you get the answering service. Need I say more?

Go forth and enjoy life, for tomorrow you may be struck by a bus.